School chaplaincy that supports students and whānau to live their best life.



Everyone has a story inside them

Stories can inspire us through heroes, triumphs and challenges. We learn to appreciate each other more through the telling of our own stories. For many children and young people, telling their story is important for them to feel understood.

At Lifewalk, we love to hear stories from schools about how talking to a Wellbeing Mentor/Chaplain has made a difference for a child or young person.

We’ve gathered several short, first-person accounts from a whole variety of people connected with Lifewalk, here are their stories.

“For me it was serving without an agenda.

In my experience, (chaplaincy) has been extended to some of the staff, faculty and parents. When there is a need you just fill it. When someone has hurt or tragedy in their life we reach out because that’s just something that we do out of compassion, love and respect for them. A student might not have support anywhere else in their life but they can at least have support with a chaplain.”

Jeff Palmer, Former Chaplain – Gulf Harbour Primary


“Barry (our chaplain) had been able to cope with so many different problems and issues at our school.

He made things so much easier for so many families. He had wonderful skills and we just loved him. Barry was with us 12 years, so he was just part of the furniture around here. He was kind and gentle and able to converse with anybody.  He had a wealth of knowledge about the kinds of challenges whānau face in South Auckland. We’ve been really lucky to have had Barry, and really are so blessed.”

Shirley Maihi, Principal – Finlayson Park, Manurewa


“I came here with my five children. Three are in high school and now only two are left here.

I always come in the morning and Matua Barry would be standing there and saying ‘Hi’ and that made us feel happy. He was a good man, he helped us with everything here. He was a friendly man and he walked around with the kids. If the kids felt like crying he would come and say a few words and the kids would be happy again, running around. He helped us at Adult Learners, he came to the cooking class and baked some banana cake and chocolate cake – we shared quite a few good laughs.”

Fehe, Parent – Finlayson Primary


“I had a student with a huge fear around being honest.

Having that opportunity to spend time with Jeff (chaplain), the student became a lot more honest and more willing to open up and work on things as opposed to lying and getting aggressive and withdrawn. Less high-emotional reactions and a lot more accountability with his actions and owning what he had done. It changed the atmosphere in the classroom because this student had a big presence about him, and a couple of kids were scared of him. After working with Jeff, he had a better range of strategies to deal with his emotions and if something went wrong, like if he made a mistake, he felt more confident dealing with it.”

Laura Thrush, Teacher – Gulf Harbour Primary

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“Having Jeff in has been amazing for our children.

There are times when as teachers we don’t have the time—quality time—to sit and talk to children, especially when they really need it. Having Jeff in our school has allowed children to build strong bonds and trust so that they can talk to someone at certain times in their lives. It has been so valuable.

If you’re considering partnering with Lifewalk, go ahead, you have nothing to lose, you only have positives to gain for yourself, your school and your staff and students”.

Mel Crosbie, Principal – Gulf Harbour


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